
A component and primitive to draw a connected series of lines, for A-Frame WebXR. Similar to the line primitive, but draws multiple lines.

sample screenshot

live example scene

It’s usually more efficient to do a connected series of lines with only one lines component, even if you have to draw back over some parts of some lines. (See the green grid in the example.)

A disconnected series of lines can be created by setting multiple lines__foo components on a single a-entity. See the red and pink X in the example.


Include using

<script src="^1.1.0/lines.js"></script>
<a-lines points="-10 0 0, 0 10 0, 10 0 0" color="blue"></a-lines>

<a-entity lines="points: -10 0 0, 0 10 0, 10 0 0; color:blue"></a-entity>



Each point is specified by three floating-point coordinates (x, y, z), separated by one or more spaces. Points are separated by commas. Missing coordinates are replaced with zero.

A line is drawn from the first point to the second, the second to the third, and so on. No line is drawn from the last point to the first - if you want that, just repeat the first point as the last.



1.0 is fully opaque.


False means the lines aren’t drawn.


npm install

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npm test

All unit tests must pass before a pull request can be accepted. To the extent possible, code that does not use AFRAME, THREE or the browser should be refactored into pure JavaScript functions, and unit tests written for those functions.